On the 14th of October the kick-off event took place, the "PAC 2.0" project was officially launched and the consortium partners - RGI, Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe, the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and REN21 - discussed a new stream of activities important for the project's realisation.
The first phase of the project (2018-2021) led to the development of an NGO community-driven future energy scenario for Europe, compatible with the Paris Agreement. The workstreams under the PAC 2.0 umbrella (2021-2024), will focus on the aspects centred around the implementation of the PAC scenario. They will allow to better understand the technical, environmental and social challenges and opportunities related to the acceleration of energy transition. In that context, the project will encompass national, European and international levels by facilitating exchanges within the energy modelling community, strengthening ties among various energy transition actors and building capacity of the European NGOs. We expect that these activities will crystalise and explore in an inclusive way, how to optimise the evolving energy system by using resources efficiently and delivering multi-level benefits for climate, nature and citizens.
More information about the project and its activities will be available soon.