First Scenario Workshop

The first scenario workshop of the PAC Project posed the question - "How much energy demand will there be in a net-zero emissions world?" and brought together 27 participants to discuss the question, present their work and imagine future scenarios.

As well as inputs from ENTSO-E, EEB and CAN Europe, the European Climate Foundation (presenting the findings of the Industrial Transformation 2050 (IT50) research project), the Coalition for Energy Savings (presenting the Fraunhofer ISI study on energy saving scenarios) and Transport & Environment (T&E) represented the worlds of Industry, Buildings and Transport. After their presentations, where they addressed technologies and models towards net-zero in their respective areas of expertise, Rannveig van Iterson (ECF), Almut Bonhage (Coalition for Energy Savings) and Thomas Earl (T&E) led a corresponding working group to tackle three pressing questions:

  • What are the most relevant assumptions that should be considered in your sector by order of importance?
  • What would be the assumptions that appear less plausible to you (red lines)?
  • What could be the most important game changers in your sector?


Presentation of the PAC Project
Jonathan Bonadio - Policy Officer - European Environmental Bureau (EEB)

PAC Scenario Workshop Presentation
Dante Powell - Senior Market Modelling Advisor - ENTSO-E

Energy Savings Scenarios 2050
Almut Bonhage - Communications and Project Manager - The Coalition for Energy Savings

Key Note Presentation
Thomas Earl - Manager, Modelling and Data Analysis - Transport & Environment

Heavy industry sector's electricity demand by 2050
Rannveig van Iterson - Senior Associate Industry Programme - European Climate Foundation (ECF)

Workshop minutes