At the fourth PAC scenario workshop, CAN Europe and EEB presented key findings and gaps of the PAC scenario. The workshop collected members’ and stakeholders views on potential ways forward.
On Thursday 15th October 2020, from 10:00 - 12:00, the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe held a virtual workshop with 60 participants in attendance.
The webinar was led by Jonathan Bonadio from the EEB ( and Joerg Muehlenhoff ( from CAN Europe.
Find below an overview of the workshop, including presentations and recordings.
The PAC scenario’s big trends were detailed sector-wise, namely the circular economy approach in industry, the deep renovation wave in buildings and the swift electrification in transport.
During the following questions and answers session, several participants asked for details on PAC scenario assumptions, such as the space needed for renewable energy installations and biomass demand, macro-economic impacts related to the implementation of the PAC scenario and security of supply. Questions were discussed and answered live during the webinar or in written in a dedicated Q&A box provided on the video conferencing platform. A detailed longlist of all questions and answers was saved. This document is available on request.
10:30 Your feedback on the PAC scenario building exercise: Online survey
By answering three questions through an online survey tool, participants indicated how relevant the PAC scenario was for their work:
“Did you/your organisation use the PAC scenario figures?”
No, and does not plan to
3 participants
No, but maybe in the future
20 participants
Yes, some results
21 participants
Yes, extensively
6 participants
“What were the most useful results for you and your organisation?”
The analysis of energy demand
3 participants
The analysis of the electricity mix and hourly modelling
8 participants
The analysis of energy supply
9 participants
The translation into climate and energy targets
11 participants
All of the above
17 participants
None of the above
2 participants
“How would you rate the PAC scenario relevance to your work? (1= not relevant, 4=extremely relevant)”
1 (Not relevant):
3 participants
7 participants
24 participants
4 (extremely relevant):
16 participants
The results show that the PAC scenario is very relevant for the work of most of the participants. An important minority however is interested but has not yet started to use the PAC scenario findings.
10.45 Open questions of the PAC scenario… and potential answers
CAN Europe and EEB afterwards highlighted the elements that are still missing in the PAC scenario: Many members and stakeholders during the previous months wanted to know how much implementing the PAC scenario would cost. Many members also asked for deriving country-specific PAC scenarios. In addition, the PAC scenario has gaps with regards to detailed emission reduction pathways including non-energy emissions, carbon removals, impacts of land use change and forestry.
Three scientists were invited to present potential answers after having looked into the PAC scenario:
11.45 Wrap up: How can we do even better?
A second online survey prioritised the expectations of participants in view of the PAC scenario:
“Please choose maximum two priorities for potential further working areas.”
National breakdown of PAC results
28 participants
Environmental assessment (Water/soil/air, raw materials, minerals, biomass…)
15 participants
End-consumers prices (energy, commodities, consumer goods …)
14 participants
System costs and benefits (GDP, turnover, employment…)
12 participants
Carbon removals
9 participants
“Would your organisation be interested in participating in future PAC scenario building?”
Yes, as a potential project partner
17 participants
Yes, as a contributor
14 participants
Yes, for information only
7 participants
Not at this stage
2 participants
After discussing details of the guest speakers’ presentations, the hosts summarised the PAC scenario workshop. Feedback from members and stakeholders during the PAC scenario building process of the previous months strongly overlaps with the results of the online surveys ran during the workshop. The exchange with participants confirmed that there is on the one side the request to deepen certain elements of the PAC scenario data (e.g. macro-economic effects, environmental indicators). On the other side, CAN Europe and EEB are asked to disseminate even more broadly the findings of the PAC scenario.
CAN Europe and EEB will explore potential avenues with regards to answering these expectations in 2021. Joerg Muehlenhoff and Jonathan Bonadio thanked the participants and closed the workshop.