PAC Scenario as a tool for civil society engagement: EU & National pathways for climate neutrality by 2040

The updated results for the PAC Scenarios will be launched on 23 March 2023 with a focus on EU and national-level pathways for climate neutrality by 2040. These can be used by NGOs and civil society to advocate for more ambitious energy and climate plans within their respective countries.

Can you imagine a world where we reach carbon neutrality by 2040? Where renewable energy fuels industry and provides clean electricity to citizens 24/7?

To reach such reality on European context, the European Commission introduced the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs).

The NECPs allows Member States to monitor their progress and plan further developments according to the Paris Agreement, involving different stakeholders in the process.

However, currently, all Member States lack behind in their objectives, which drives us far away from a sustainable future

How can NGOs and civil society organisations push for more sustainable roadmaps?


The PAC Scenarios - Paris Agreement Compatible Scenarios for Energy Infrastructure, launched in 2018, will release an updated version for its second phase on 23 March, promoting EU and national pathways for climate neutrality by 2040.

Such insights will enable institutional stakeholders, climate activists and civil society to influence, for instance, the NECP revision in their respective countries, pushing for a more ambitious plan in line with the Paris Agreement goals.

Want to learn more about how civil society can use the PAC Scenario updated results as a tool for change in energy policy? Register to our Online Launch Event!



We will have speakers representing different institutions on the climate debate:

Related materials




Opening Remarks: The PAC work as a central pillar of our climate and energy work


Chiara Martinelli

Director | CAN Europe



PAC National Scenarios process: Introduction


PAC Team | CAN Europe


The EU aggregated PAC National Scenarios key results 

Dimitris Tsekeris | CAN Europe

Dimitri Krings | Climact


PAC National Scenarios: Portugal and Germany key results


Dimitris Tsekeris | CAN Europe

Bárbara Maurício |Project Officer, ZERO

Jonas Ott | Policy Advisor - Renewable Energy, DUH



Negawatt CLEVER Scenario Perspective

Nicolas Taillard

Project Manager | CLEVER Scenario


Q&A session


NECP state of play & plans: Integrating PAC results in the NECPs


Brigitta Bozso and Federico Mascolo

CAN Europe – Together For 1.5


Other applications of the PAC scenario

Andrzej Ceglarz

Programme Manager - Socio-Energy Systems | Renewables Grid Initiative


Closing remarks

Prof. Keywan Riahi

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Advisory Board member | ESABCC – European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change


Dimitris Tsekeris
CAN Europe