Brussels, Belgium

Third Modellers' Exchange Workshop

Building on the first and second PAC Modellers’ Exchange workshops, the session focussed on how we can better model flexibility.

On January 30th 2020, we were glad to host the 3rd Modellers' Exchange Workshop.
The workshop was in the context of the PAC project – Paris Agreement Compatible Scenariosfor Energy Infrastructure. Building on the first and second PAC Modellers’ Exchange workshops, the session focussed on how we can better model flexibility.

We were joined by Wiebke Albers, Head of System Analyses at innogy SE and Tobias Bossmann, Project Manager at Artelys for two thought-provoking inputs on flexibility.
The workshop is part of a collaboration between the Climate Action Network Europe, the European Environmental Bureau, ENTSO-E, ENTSO-G, REN21 and RGI launched in December 2018 to see how to reflect the targets of the Paris Agreement in the TYNDP scenarios and to form a widely accepted and robust Paris Agreement compatible European energy scenario for Europe.


Welcome and tour de table

Holger Loew - RGI


Introduction to modelling flexibility and importance to the PAC project

Holger Loew - RGI


Presentation of the new METIS flexibility module - how it works, new possibilities, first insights.

Tobias Bossmann - Artelys


Open discussion on new approaches to model flexibility from electrical devices and/or sector coupling

Participants (RGI lead discussion)






Presentation of pilot project - EU-Sys-Flex: How flexibility will change the behaviour of distribution grids in the real world

Wiebke Albers - innogy SE



 Coffee break


Open discussion on modelling distribution grids for their potential to provide flexibility

Participants (RGI lead discussion)


Conclusions and next steps



End of workshop




EU-SysFlex: How flexibility will change the behaviour of distribution grids in the real world
Wiebke Albers - System Analyses - innogy SE

Power sytem flexibility - The METIS approach to identify needs and solutions
Tobias Bossmann - Project Manager - Artelys

Workshop protocol


Antina Sander
Deputy CEO

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